Inspiring stories from KCAH service users, volunteers and staff

Service User's Story: George (August 2024)

"I’m 24 years old and I recently ran out of options of where to stay because I was drinking too much and it put a strain on my personal relationships. When I slept rough I felt scared and lonely, I ended up sleeping on a park bench at one point.


I couldn’t see a future for myself or the next steps to take. Luckily, a friend of mine told me to come to KCAH because they knew someone else who had been here before. When I first came to KCAH I was nervous, but I got a warm welcome and felt safe. All the staff were supportive. The first team I spoke to was the Housing Crisis Intervention Service (HCIS) where Dominika helped me a lot with looking at my situation as a whole, advising me on what next steps to take and filling out all the required forms; she even came to HSBC in Kingston with me and helped me to open a bank account.


I’ve stopped drinking and have attended a number of N.A. meetings with Paul from The Bridge. Hearing other people’s stories gives perspective on how strong people can be. I had a wellbeing check with David from Kingston Wellbeing Service on site at KCAH which included mental health check-up. Dominika referred me to the YMCA. For the first time, I’ve got my own place there. Dom even helped me apply for vouchers which allowed my bedding and kitchenware to get me started.


Kingston’s Big Sleep Out will be a great way to raise awareness of KCAH for people in the outside world who don’t always think about what the charity does, who comes here for help or what services it provides to people experiencing homelessness, just like I was.


Thanks to KCAH I’m feeling much more stable with my whole life ahead of me!"


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Service User's Story: Paul (July 2024)

“Born and raised in the UK, I suffered a severe accident in Vietnam that necessitated the amputation of my left leg below the knee. A subsequent stroke during my recovery from the surgery left me with lasting physical impairments. Upon my return to the UK, I faced housing crisis on top of my medical needs.


In this dire situation, Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness emerged as a beacon of hope. Michaela’s unwavering support was pivotal in me seeking housing services which was complicated by my working overseas for some years. Despite multiple setbacks along the path, the advice and support of KCAH’s Housing Crisis Intervention Service team was excellent.


The dedication and compassion of KCAH staff has enabled my current stability and success. As I continue to build upon the path of progress that KCAH helped me discover, I am reminded of the profound impact that individuals like Michaela can have. Her commitment to aiding those in crisis has not only helped me in my time of need but also inspired a sense of hope and determination to overcome any other obstacles I may face.


I’ve gone from sleeping on London buses to having my own place to call home and for that, I am eternally grateful. "


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Service User's Story: Pawel

March 2024. Find out how past KCAH client Pawel overcame homelessness and addiction with the support of KCAH's Access Project, The Bridge and other local services. 


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Gill Taylor - Volunteer

Gill and her husband Miles are part of our inspirational team of KCAH Volunteers. During the first lock-down of the COVID-19 pandemic, they worked tirelessly to deliver over 10,000 meals to elderly and vulnerable people, including rough sleepers housed by KCAH in a local hotel. 


A heart-warming moment during the first lock down of the COVID-19 pandemic!


Housed During Lock down - Darren's Story


A Place To Call Home - Rachel's Story


Sam and Meryn's Story

Sam & Meryn

Sam spent 10 years sleeping rough and sofa surfing, during which time he fell seriously ill. He first approached KCAH in 2009 and now he's safe in sheltered housing, thanks to our housing advisors and a very special person who came alongside to support him.

Read More about Sam and Meryn...

 For more videos and stories, please visit our YouTube Channel.