Volunteer registration
Able to volunteer at the current WNS?
Volunteer for the Winter Night Shelter: running until 31 March 2025 Please click here
If you need to contact the winter night shelter team please email winternightshelter@kcah.org.uk
Launched on 6 January 2025, Kingston's winter night shelter (WNS) for rough sleepers is one of the biggest and best provisions in London. This main site is for pre-registered guests and it's called The Haven.
Kingston's WNS something that all of KCAH's staff, trustees, volunteers and supporters can be very proud of because it is making a real difference in the lives of local people who would otherwise be sleeping outside. Nighttime temperatures can often go down as low as -5°C outside during January and February.
On 20 January '25 a second site was launched, also in Kingston town centre and this is called The Hub. The Hub is a pioneering and dynamic facility for people experiencing homelessness which, in certain circumstances, enables people experiencing homelessness to come to the shelter on the night to get safe from the cold and get assessed and registered on-the-night.
Kingston's winter night shelter needs as many volunteers as it can get to cover the evening, night owl and early riser shifts at its two locations. Massive thanks goes out to the amazing team of volunteers who are already sacrififcing their own time (and sometimes their own sleep) to help service users who need the WNS in order to stay safe and healthy this winter.
If you are able to volunteer your time even for a couple of shifts or to provide one evening meal for all guests, please registers as a volunteer at the top of this page.
If you wish to make a referral for a potential guest of the WNS there are also links above for this.
Able to volunteer at the current WNS?
Volunteer for the Winter Night Shelter - Jan/Feb/Mar 2025 Please click here
Together, we are making a real difference in Kingston!